Providing Personal Development Trainings, Adventures and Breathwork for Individuals and Groups

Healing Co-Dependency

Do you ever find yourself trying to please other people, and seek their approval? Are you afraid of being alone or abandoned, so you stay in unhealthy relationships? This is a sign of being trapped in a Co-Dependent pattern. You can learn to heal this and take better care of yourself first and actually not feel guilty. It’s possible to stop the pain and gain control of our lives.

buddha and some plants

We will explore and tackle ways that codependency has impaired your life and, more importantly, it will show you how to repair it. You'll be brought through a process of awareness so that, finally, you can start to live YOUR desired life on YOUR terms.

You Can Give and Be Balanced too!

It’s time to give up pain and shame. You can still be giving, loving, compassionate and empathic people but you also need to receive love, kindness, and compassion in return. We can all learn to receive and give in balance. You can in turn allow others to learn and grow in balance too. The truth is you can only give so much for so long before you start suffering and need help yourself. Your 'need to be needed' is actually an embedded fear of abandonment somewhere in your subconscious, but you can transform any fear of abandonment into abundance.

Some of the characteristics of co-dependency may include

  • People pleasing and fear of being alone or abandoned.
  • butterfly
  • Giving ultimatums, or nagging to keep others out of trouble.
  • Feeling selfish, or guilty for not meeting the needs of others.
  • Feeling not good enough, or "too much" or "too little."
  • Irritable when others don't take your advice.
  • Diminishing yourself in order to lift up others.
  • Rescuing or fixing others, to your demise.
  • Covering or taking a fall for others.
  • Enduring unhealthy relationships to avoid loneliness.
  • Having an addict, user, abuser, or narcissist in your life.
  • Getting caught in others' trauma and drama.
  • Having self-limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs.
  • Over-responsibility or doing more than your fair share
  • Giving of your finances and other resources to depletion.

You don’t have to do everything!

Magic cure? No. A new way of living? Yes. It will take practice and that is a benefit of having the accountability and consistency of group work. WE can do what I can’t! Coaching sessions include co-dependency healing and lots of tools along with inner child healing, guided imagery exercises, etc.…You'll learn how to say "Yes!" to yourself independently and interdependently and form healthy, reciprocal relationships. We will learn and practice together thru healthy connections, independence; belonging without giving self away, abundance and much more!

Who is this for?

  • EVERYONE, who wants to get better.
  • Empaths, and Highly Sensitive People.
  • Anyone who is in a supporting profession, personal caregiver.
  • Those seeking to become more aware.
  • Anyone who gives to others, without depleting themselves.
  • Anyone in a relationship with an addict, abuser, or narcissistic type personality.

Private sessions available upon request

Please call Kelly at 404-310-5336 or email her at for more information.

Payment per session $165.00


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Inner Child Workshop

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Healing Co-Dependency

Private sessions available.

Group Breathing Sessions

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST, ZOOM Event, Call for more information 404-310-5336

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