Providing Personal Development Trainings, Adventures and Breathwork for Individuals and Groups

Humor Weekend

Humor Laughter & Joy

Humor Laughter & Joy

An Experiential One Day Event

At what age did we become so serious?

When did we decide that as adults it was not ok to have fun and be silly?

Did you know...

  • Children laugh about 400 times a day. Adults laugh an average of 15 times a day.
  • University of Chicago studies show a great sense of humor can add 8 years to your life.
  • You can stimulate your heart and lungs, elevate your blood pressure and improve breathing  capacity by laughing
  • 15 minutes of laughter equals the benefit of 2 hours sleep
  • In terms of exercise, you can get the same benefits from laughing 100 times a day, as you can from 10 minutes of rowing.

Join us for a day of laughter and fun as you reconnect with your inner child. Reawaken and experience your innocence as we uncover the blocks to our natural state of joy. Learn about the medical, psychological and physical benefits of laughter. Experience the rejuvenation of Breathwork.

Please call Kelly at 404-310-5336 or email her at for more information.

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Inner Child Workshop

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Healing Co-Dependency

Private sessions available.

Group Breathing Sessions

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST, ZOOM Event, Call for more information 404-310-5336

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