Providing Personal Development Trainings, Adventures and Breathwork for Individuals and Groups

Inner Child Work
Monthly Group Sessions

Interactive Work and Play for Your Child Within

Facilitated by Kelly Walden RCC

"Three things are striking about Inner Child work, the speed with which people change when they do this work, the depth of the change and the power and creativity that result when the wounds from the past are healed.” John Bradshaw

Through years of research and clinical studies it is now evident that the Inner Child has more of an influence over our lives than we were previously aware of.

The Inner Child is a powerful presence that resides within the heart of each and every one of us. It is the child we once were and it holds all of our past hurts, disappointments, traumas, negative feelings and sadness. When these areas within have gone unhealed and unheard they can show up in your outer life as critical thoughts, problematic communications, fear, anger issues, anxiety, unhealthy relationships, fear of intimacy, codependency…..and the list goes on.

Through Inner Child work, these past pains can be released and the patterns can be healed, allowing you to change your perspective and move into a place of more emotional and spiritual freedom.

This private Group work is recommended for those seeking a way to release childhood pain and leave the past behind through awareness, play, compassion, re-training and consistency. Kelly will facilitate and bring in workbook direction.

This is a brilliant modality to find more of the true happiness that resides within you!

"Connection with the Inner Child, the little one you once were, contributes immensely to your wellness. Take your Inner Child by the hand and spend some time with it"
Louise Hay


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Inner Child Workshop

Private sessions available.

Healing Co-Dependency

Private sessions available.

Group Breathing Sessions

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST, ZOOM Event, Call for more information 404-310-5336

Corporate workshops and retreats
Ongoing. Call us for more information.